Thursday, April 30, 2009

I was just thinking left 4 dead could really do with a crossroads mall level as in Dawn of the Dead !BINGO!
This is by far the most comprehensive & detailed map tracking the Swine Flu outbreak <a href=""></a>
British chief medical adviser on swine flu "most of those affected will recover", well, thanks for that, very reassuring :(
Done something uncharacteristically paranoid tonight. Trust me, I'm the head of the herd of sheep-like behaviour we'll see tomorrow. Watch.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WHO raise the Swine Flu alert to a level 5 (out of 6). Not feeling so silly about the mask purchase now. Worried for my family :(
Anyone want a fight - COME ON!
Back from a follow-up appointment at the hospital, this time a scan. Everything is fine. Baby is 3lb 4oz and still got 10 weeks to go! GULP
When I visited Rhodes I remember these beautiful coniferous trees that were very tall & slim. Does anyone know their name?
A series of strange events led to me getting in contact with an old friend from Primary School, also a geek now - like me. Hi Paul!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Looks like things are OK, false alarm, which is good because my wife is a long way off being due. Still at hospital doing tests. Phew.
In hospital now
Cancelled my meetings to take pregnant wife to doctor. Severe back ache, hope it isn't kidney trouble or worse - labour!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I hope I'll laugh at this move in the future, but the 1st thing that ran out with SARS was FFP3 masks. Swine flu is worse so I ordered some.
Sat here worrying about Swine Flu and watching "The Fog", a really brilliant horror film.
OMG! The best (most geeky?) thing I have found on t'internet Ghost Cloud Computing check it
Monday morning and, for a change, it is peeing down outside after a lovely weekend. Kids are all happy. Son2 wasn't sleeping last night :(

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I've watched 5 minutes of "My Life as an Animal" it is so stupid and faux intellectual, I feel annoyed at my wasted license fee. Off to bed.
Got a lot done in the garden today. Weather fantastic. Cleared loads of junk over to the dump (very cathartic). Laid a path with John.
Son1 commented on my weight. Pointing out I was big. Not being negative, in fact looking forward to being as big as me. Made me feel sad.
Walked down to breakfast this morning, the boys sitting quietly, Penny baking lemon cookies. She is a super mum. Amazing.
Man - I am such a kid I CANNOT WAIT to take my kids to see Where the Wild Things Are
Health Advice - avoid sneezing pigs - night all. Armageddonouttahere.
Take a break from mourning the death of Bea Arthur for 5 minutes. Here's the map of the approaching swine flu
Watching Franklyn, it is an interesting film but every step is entirely predictable. Good though. Different.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Watching Frost/Nixon, the film needs more killer robot zombies from space. My wife agrees.
I have been sent out on a Chinese food run. Not that I am complaining.
Anyone fancy joining my gaming clan? We play left 4 dead mainly. Probably playing tonight. NE1 up for it?
Morning after the night before. Feels like someone has switched my brain with molten lead. Chasing Son2 around now :) Son1 not well :(

Friday, April 24, 2009

Alright there twittersdphere, I am pretty tipsy now, my mate has gone tot he bog. Anyone out thjere?
Arrgh, coming up to 11pm, feeling decidely (is that spelt righjt) tipsy. So much for the "quick one" sorry plop. X
At t'pub with Darren, what started as a quick one is rapidly turning into a long one. Not sure what my darling dearest will say, I'm a stereotype.
Put the final part of my plan into action. I am not finally free of my old facebook profile and the dubious people that were following me.
Inspirational quotation, amusing satirical reference, astute observation, endearing social commentary. Closing trite platitude.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

changed "exercise night" to "eat ice cream and watch on-demand TV night". Ordered Buzz Quiz for my PS3, something to do this wet weekend.
Watching "Paid in Full" why do they put these great films on so damn late. I'm going to feel it in the morning.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Skateboarded to the shop and back. I am thirty-something, but why should I stop doing something I love just because "adults" don't do it.
Don't you hate it when you can't tell if a question is rhetorical or not?
Would it be wrong to celebrate earth day with a massive smokey BBQ?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh heck, it's earth day tomorrow and I haven't bought any earth day cards or plastic gifts for anyone.
Invited to my first BBQ of the year tonight. Cool. Looking forward to it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Twitter fixed the search problem. Now when you search for "Dad" I am number 1 on twitter thanks to all my lovely followers.
Yuk - someone just emailed me some slow motion sneezing NICE
You have to admire Bill Gates. Imagine if a car company were able to sell everyone a car that continually slowed and stopped for no reason.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

OH NO! This is too much fun! WHO WANTS TO FIGHT MY BRUTE?! Bring it on.
Just like U2 I never know what to do on a Sunday. I wake up and say, Sunday bloody Sunday, I know what you mean Bono ;¬) Pub maybe? Hmmm

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Watchin' Family Guy. Considering a game of Peggle on the DS, Damn that game is addictive, probably be up till 2am playing it again :¬(
Great to see al cyn and baby today. Walking back from chip shop. Can't face cooking, nor can my wife. Lovely spring day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday! Damn, remembered I am swimming 1km for charity tonight (I don't like to talk about all my work for charity). I am so unfit :(

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Feeling frustrated, unmotivated, depressed and stressed, 5 hours of bad sleep.
Bloody hell, why am I surfing the social networks, I have a meeting at 8:30am, need some sleep. Night Night world.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tell your kids that the ice cream van only plays music to let people know they have run out of ice cream (joke) #dadtip
Being a good father is pretending to be excited about being asked to read the same bedtime story every night for a week #dadtip
People who talk about the concept of "sleeping like a baby" obviously don't have any of their own. #dadtip
Throw out all cleaning products, baby wipes replace them all, they could probably clean the inside of a nuclear reactor. #dadtip
You can gauge the age of fellow parent's children by the height of the snot marks smeared on trousers and skirts. #dadtip
Wow, the world's smallest aeroplanes - astounding
First we are told that our kitchen surfaces host more bacteria than a toilet seat, now we should worry about FLYING GERMS. A culture of fear

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ARRGH, "The Hospital" has only been on for a few minutes and I am already planning the assassination of 3 people.
Finding it hard to focus and stay motivated today. Lots to do, but an unwilling brain. Coffee time I think.
Today I am mainly scrubbing bugs and blipping on (keeps me sane)
Oooh - the BBC are bringing back Red Dwarf Cool!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Watching Jerry Bruckheimer's King Arthur, slightly less historically accurate than Monty Python's version.
Heck, just occured to me, walking to the pub is the only exercise I am getting recently :)
Playing hide and seek with my two boys and my nephew. Fantastic hot sunny day.
Finally got the sunny day I was after. Spending day with kids, inlaws and nephew. Son2 asleep in the car. Need to find sun cream.
Heading into town, house was a mess so I have trusted the roomba to clean the house unsupervised. Somehow doing so always makes me nervious.
Kids had a nice Easter egg hunt today. Zombie Kill Fest was fun tonight, tho the big JC didn't show ;) Off to bed, reading Coldheart Canyon.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well, it has been a rainy day, kids scooted around the block earlier. In-laws coming over for dinner later. Hoping for a good summer.
At the risk of recording an ignorant statement for all history. Where is all this hot weather Al Gore promised. Another wet bank holiday :(

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just watched Little Miss Sunshine again, haven't seen it for ages, forgot how great it is.
Got the bouncy castle up in the dining room, trying to burn some energy off my kids, quite hard to do.
Finish on an appropriate quote "People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one." ~Leo J. Burke
thinking I play "Left 4 Dead" a bit too much now. Need some kind of Zombie group therapy. BOOMER! Anyone up for a game?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Had a nice dinner round at my in-laws, not sure if I need a night off from Zombie Killing. I am getting tired out from it.
Thank goodness for the in-laws, heading over there for dinner thus preventing our house turning into a reenactment of the shining.
I love introducing my 4 year old to cool movies from my youth, showing him flight of the navigator on this rainy bank holiday. He loves it.
A dinosaur on the news talks about now being a good time for local shops to reemerge, IMHO low overhead internet shopping will kill the physical shop
Teaching a 2 year old how to play scalextric is frustrating in the extreme. :)
Right off to bed. I seriously believe my 2 year old is psychic, he seems to yell at the precise moment I start to nod off.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Having watched 4 episodes I am fairly certain that Horne and Corden is just not funny
Somehow I forgot it was a Bank Holiday tomorrow and Monday. Happy Zombie Jesus Day Everyone!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Won by default at pub quiz with score of zero. Darren did the humilating walk of shame to collect the wine :)
Discovered local pub has an awesome play area for the kids, this is good news for my beer belly plans this summer.
Heading off to the pub in a bit, nice evening for it.
dunking chocolate flavoured oreos into coffee as often done by our cousins in the United States of America no less.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Work finished for the day, stories read to the little fellas, now my second job as PC support to every other family member begins.
I am flattered, an example of my work has been used to inspire claymation projects in schools. (thanks @threebee)

Monday, April 06, 2009

My brain cells must be diminishing over the years, I now find TV Burp really really funny. And I don't even watch the programs being mocked!
The bro of a friend of mine (tenuous) Papa Dada, the best thing to come out of Belgium since chocolate seashells ♫
new iPhone on the horizon - with FM broadcasting ability - neat!
I heard from a friend about the latest middle-class scourge “trackers” people who boast about their great low BoE tracker mortgage rate. LOL

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday Night Zombie bash with the clan in left 4 dead was a success. Off to bed early for a change. Night night everyone.
Heading over to friends new house this afternoon. Great to have so many good friends so close by. And the sun is still shining too!
Right - that's "A Clockwork Orange" watched - AGAIN - off to bed pondering Burgess' vivid statements on free will.
My first post on my new microblogging site for fathers everywhere - enjoy!
Follow me on Twitter: @UKDad