Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I love that Johnny Cash was so heavily into Karaoke, sorry, covers. This one of Father & Son is good.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watched a trailer for "The Forth Kind". Don't think I will sleep for a week.
30 Dumb Inventions

Monday, September 28, 2009

Going through my suit wardrobe, getting rid of the suits that are too big for me & keeping the ones that are too small. Optimist.
A graffiti artist's statement on freedom, painted on a wall in Windmill Hill, Bristol -
Son1's first full day at school today + he is having school dinners. Hope he can cope with all that. Kids don't like change.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

At the risk of annoying every women on Earth. Watching "Dirty Dancing" for 1st time. Seems to be a long, crap sequence of painful montages
At the risk of annoying every women on Earth. Watching "Dirty Dancing" for 1st time. Seems to be a long, cr
My house extension was built with gaps for MFI built-in cupboards. MFI is dead now of course. Luckily, got some last week, fitting today!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I feel so proud of Son1 at the moment. He is really enjoying his first weeks at school and is now on the school council, he is only 4!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You knw tha( feelin when u have had too many, well... Ummm im drunk x,
15 out of 40 in the pub quiz. Darren has gone to drown himself in the toilet.
Ahhhhh, that feeling of walking to the pub loo & releasing you have drunk too much already. Being a father has made me a light weight.
Ahhhh, the pub, where everyone knows my name, well... Darren does. Let's see how quiz night goes tonight.
Happy Wednesday - cheer up
I highly recommend "Walk with me" for the Nintendo DS. If you have an NDS & could do with losing a few lbs/kg, it's gentle nagging works!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just spent hours putting together an IKEA unit only to discover I bought the wrong sized drawer units. There's a word for this... F...
Hard day at work, loads on, and what relaxing activity do I have planned for this evening? Assembling a mountain of IKEA units. JOY!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mum is here this weekend, also I remembered to buy a wine bottle opened to replace my broken one. Yes, those facts are completely related.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wow, VW take the lead in actually producing a car that looks like it belongs in the year 2013.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Found an old recording. My cover of Modest Mouse - Float on (on Ukulele). Never take yourself to seriously

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is watching a small blue bar slowly progress to toward 100%. Listening to this cool track

Monday, September 14, 2009

Son1 enquired why someone had drawn bicycles on the park tarmac, referring to anatomically inaccurate male genitalia chalked by local teens.
Cold day today, work is interesting which is good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nothing else for it, off to bed.
4.5 hours sleep last night, everyone keeping me awake. Worse for OH. Crap day, feeling exhausted, frustrated & pissed off.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Got some red/blue 3D glasses somewhere? Fantastic collection of 3D pictures here Pass it on...
Don't you hate it when you get a song stuck in your head. Fab 4 - You know my name ->

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The "Random & Utterly Pointless Websites That Make You Smile" award goes to Hold my Close-up tiny Danson
"In the Loop" great film, loved it. Watch that. Also, Terminator Salvation is fun.
District 9 Plot Holes: 8) Remote control tractor beam, what, did they just FORGET they had that? Sorry - there are more but I will stop now
Not seen District 9? Don't read any of my previous updates, it might spoil the "plot". Also don't watch the trailer, the whole plot is there
District 9 Plot Holes: 7) So, Human's can understand the aliens but can't speak alien & all aliens can understand English but can't speak it
District 9 Plot Holes: 6) I'm sorry, where is the main alien going at the end?
District 9 Plot Holes: 5) So, Humans make aliens sign legal eviction papers but shoot them for not standing still. Seems disjointed.
District 9 Plot Holes: 4) Why is super powerful alien rocket fuel inexplicably lying around in rubbish dumps?
District 9 Plot Holes: 3) Why didn't they have fuel to get back?
District 9 Plot Holes: 2) Why did they come?
District 9 Plot Holes: 1) If the aliens had all these super powerful weapons are a oppressed by humans, why didn't they use them?
Watched District 9 the other day. Love Sci-Fi, utterly underwhelmed by this. Massive plot holes, badly thought out, poorly executed.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Son2's first day at school today, he yelled for a bit, poor little man. With 1 & 2 out of the house it is uncannily quiet. I don't like it.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Been dieting for a week now. Lost 2lbs so far. Not bad considering I haven't exercised, simply cut food portions to a third. It's killing me
Probably going to finish the penthouse apartment on my bird restaurant & hotel later today. It is massive. Will have to upload photos.
Correction, making a bird hotel.
Making a bird table

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Just watched "Changeling" starring Angelina Jolie, and I have to say - I didn't laugh once.
Worked out a cunning way to play left4dead in 3d using red/blue glasses. The effect is awesome.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Star Wars Force Trainer, use "the force", actually a real EEG Brain Scanner headset! To control an object
Son1's first day at his new school today. I was nervous & a bit sad, he just ran straight in and played with his friends & some dinosaurs :)

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I wonder how much of my life I spend staring at glowing rectangles. Too much I feel.
feeling very low

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Dear people who make Oreos(tm) America may love them, but we think they taste like poo. Stop pushing them.
Day off. Watching benefit fraud program "Saints & Scroungers" on daytime TV. Can't help but feel they are isolating their target audience :P
Had amazing (albeit, painful) fun today in sister-in-law's garden with my new gadget, a pair of adult-only electric shock laser tag guns :D